I've seen more of Dick Cheney's mug on TV in the past three months than I may have seen during the previous three years. He suddenly has the uncanny ability to detect a live camera and instantly get before it. Usually, his presence means he is once again badmouthing the President, telling us America is less safe, and that repeatedly simulating a slow drowning (a.k.a. water boarding) is totally cool because, you know, they don't actually die or anything.
This is, for lack of any solid leadership, the de facto face of the leadership of the Republican Party these days. I couldn't be more pleased. Who better to be in the media all the time to remind people how we got into the huge, multi-tiered mess we're in as a nation? And when Dick is not available, he sends his daughter Liz to lie out her ass on his behalf. Priceless.
Indeed, one party's blessing is another party's curse...
To Democrats, Mr. Cheney is the perfect person to remind the nation of all the reasons Republicans were turned out of office. “I think the country has rendered a pretty clear verdict last fall on Cheney and Cheneyism,” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod.
Even some Republicans say they wish the former vice president would disappear. Among them is Meghan McCain, the daughter of the Republicans’ 2008 presidential nominee, Senator John McCain, who appeared Thursday on the ABC show “The View.”
Meanwhile, in far-off Alaska, it looks like GOP Sweetheart and spokesmodel Sarah Palin is looking for help with all those legal bills. Seems lawyering up to answer the numerous charges of corruption and ethical failure doesn't come cheap at the rate she appears to transgress.
Round out the front line with Newt Gingrich and Karl Rove, and you have your "Yesterday's Team For Tomorrow" Republican leadership. Eisenhower, Goldwater, Reagan...even Nixon... must be all be spinning in their graves.
Dick Cheney is a bad, bad man. He's Darth Vader, but without the warm, fuzzy side. He needs to accept the fact that history will judge him harshly and that the nation's electorate already has.
Posted by: Sarah | 24 April 2009 at 09:05 AM