I love that Tina went and did a Palin skit for daytime TV.
Wait, what?
This isn't Tina Fey? Oh, come on; sure it is. I mean, you don't just quit being a governor because of friction from the press. Not if your a tough Alaskan bush woman who field dresses your own moose you shot with an assault rifle from a chopper, anyway. Hell, Mark Sanford was boinking some lady from Argentina on South Carolina's dime and got totally exposed over it... and he's not quitting his job as governor. Blago didn't quit... he waited for the indictments and impeachment.
Oh, Tina, umm, Sarah, say it ain't so.
So it really is her, too, yes. Well, I'll be damned. Didn't see this coming. But I guess being a quitter is something she perfected in all those attempts at those four colleges she attended.
Her statement was one long winding ride through crazyville. Wow. And to think this lunatic could have been vice president. Scary shit. Also.
This would be another Tina Fey skit where she wouldn't need to alter Palin's own words. That was the craziest, most embarrassingly rambling resignation speech I have ever seen. Is it too much to hope that this means I won't have to hear her say she doesn't engage in "politics as usual" anymore?
I guess we should just be glad it never occurred to her that if she didn't want to be the kind of lame duck governor who keeps collecting a paycheck while going on trips, she could just keep governing and not go on trips.
Posted by: Sarah | 03 July 2009 at 10:42 PM