We had friends over for a bar-b-que Sunday. I figured I'd put the World Cup game on the big screen in case anyone wanted to watch it.
Jesus God! What's that annoying sound? Are there killer hornets in the stadium or what? Not being a football/soccer fan, I was not familiar with the vuvuzela. I mean, sure, I've seen those long plastic horns in Toys 'R' Us before, and also in the hands of kids under the age of ten. But WTF? Adults are blowing these damn things no-stop at the matches. MUTE.
Thankfully, the people at the Discovery Channel were happy to explain the vuvuzela insanity, sort of...
We've all know how crazy -- even violent -- football/soccer fans can be. I think that if I was sitting amidst a bunch of people blowing those stupid things non-stop, I'd be prone to violence too. And people tell me they think hockey fans can be obnoxious.