OK, I admit, that isn't exactly accurate. But it might as well have been what Rod Blagojevich and his attorneys were saying today at the so-called news conference held in Chicago. He pretty much says he is innocent, even though the Feds have him on tape incriminating himself, among other things. And Patrick Fitzgerald, the US Attorney handling this case, is about as honest and thorough as the day is long.
But the Governor says that, apparently, his own voice on tape incriminating himself is some how irrelevant. Paging Mr. Lying Sack O'Shit, your table is ready.
From Chicago Tribune reports...
"I will fight. I will fight. I will fight until I take my last breath," he said. "And I'm not going to quit a job that people hired me to do because of false accusations and a political lynch mob."
Blagojevich, however, did not get into the specifics of the political corruption charges he faces, saying he's "not going to talk about this case in 30-second sound bites ... on the TV news."
"I am dying to answer these charges. I am dying to show you how innocent I am," he said.
Yeah, Rod. Me too. I'm dying... laughing at your lame ass self and being glad I am not a resident of Illinois these days. Even though it is my home state, and I am proud to have been born in Chicago, you have done tons to make both the state and city look like shit in the past few weeks.
Sure, Chicago has a reputation. "Chicago Politics" is a tough game, and not always pretty. But however often the players flirt with illegality, they have a certain kind of code of honor among thieves, as it were. Good lord, Old Man Daley must be spinning faster in his grave than Lincoln is.
"Afford me the same rights that you and your children have. The presumption of innocence.
"The right to defend yourself," he said. "Now I know there are some powerful forces arrayed against me. It's kind of lonely right now. But I have on my side the most powerful ally there is: the truth. Besides, I have the personal knowledge that I have not done anything wrong."
Gimme a break, you tool. As a friend of mine who is with the Illinois Attorney General's office said earlier today, "Children are frequently criminal or civil defendants, so their rights in the legal system are really relevant."
And then there's this: Blogo's attorney seems to be claiming that the
evidence against his client is not on the up and up. He was quoted by
the Chicago Sun-Times as saying "I think you're using evidence that was illegally obtained," [Ed] Genson told the [House impeachment] committee.
Ah, yes, the old "the evidence was not legally obtained so I am
innocent" thing. Maybe in a court of law, that will work. But, dude,
you said what you said. It pretty much proves what an asshat you are,
don't you think?
What an embarrassment... and I say that as a Democrat. This is hardly a proud moment for Illinois. But this idiot Governor doesn't care about the people of Illinois, only himself. His own attorneys as much as said so, when they set the threshold for him resigning thusly:
"If the people of Illinois are suffering, he will step aside," [Attorney Sam] Adam said.
Suffering. That's what it will take. Classy to the end, huh Rod?