The so-called "Underwear Bomber" story has been pumped and pumped hard by the GOP this week. Their talking points have been repeated by habitual liars like Karl Rove, Pete Hoekstra and others on the cable news channels. But the Republican's Darth Vader himself finally emerged from the ether to offer his memory-and-facts-be-damned take of the story. As is to be expected, he found several points to criticize about the current administration, while completely forgetting or ignoring that the administration in which he served as co-president did exactly the same things and then some.
And what are Democrats doing about it? Not much, it seems. They're just letting these asshats bullshit their way through hypocritical and baseless talking points unchallenged. I have to give Republicans props for sticking to the script, and knowing they can get away with saying almost anything since Democrats do have a penchant for spinelessness, and the media can't be bothered to fact-check all that much.
While FOX News, with their fact-challenged straight face, is now promoting themselves as "Hard News, Real Reporting," MSNBC actually did some real reporting on this subject last night. And all they needed to do was some Google searching to demonstrate what an evil asshole of a liar Richard B. Cheney is...
Well played, Rachel Maddow.