Random thoughts, dubious rants, curiosities and worthy citations on the media, politics, marketing, music, inanity, and animals, among other things. Words and pictures and stuff, mostly from south central Wisconsin USA
I've been schooled by some very well-meaning friends about my occasional use of the word "retarded." I wrote a post defending the word, as if it is defensible. I must agree that, to many, many people, it is insensitive at best and offensive and hateful at worst. I get it.
America's air-headed conservative sweetheart, Sarah Palin, doesn't like the word and it's variations either. Unless it is uttered by someone she is afraid to piss off, or she uses it herself. She called for the firing of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel when he used it to refer to progressive Democrats. But she sees it as satire when used by El Rushbo.
I thought if you went to several universities to cobble together a single broadcast journalism degree, you would understand what "satire" means. I guess not. But what can you expect from someone who has to scrawl and then actually use notes on her own hand. Hilarious! And it's not even satire! But this from Stephen Colbert sure is... and it's really well-done satire...
Well played, Mr. Colbert. I especially like the "hand-o-prompter" line. So many on the right have parroted criticism on Barack Obama for using a TelePrompTer, forgetting that every president -- or corporate big shot -- uses them when they want to stay with a pre-written speech. Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg address on the backs on envelopes, the TelePrompTer of his day, for chrissakes. Do people think politicians and other important speakers deliver major addresses extemporaneously? I don't think our previous president could order at the Taco Bell drive-thru without notes.
But writing stuff on your hand? WTF? Of course, since she is prone to releasing "statements" on her Facebook page, I guess this shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Yet, this is the person people still think should be our next president? What... is Miley Cyrus not interested in running? Are we all suddenly 14 years old again?
Which brings me to another piece of brilliant satire from last week's Saturday Night Live. Andy Samberg nails the whole Rahm Emanuel thing...
Samberg seems to take a page from the Glenn Beck playbook for his satirical inspiration: "I'm just saying what other people are thinking." That's the great thing about satire; it allows a point to be made clear in a way that is both humorous and deadly accurate. It's a rhetorical or literary device, though, and not an excuse for being an ass. It's also not something you can claim retroactively after you say something incredibly hateful, offensive, or just plain ignorant. Sorry Rush. Sorry Glen. It's only satire when you have that as an objective before the fact.
I gotta run. I have class and I need to write my discussion points on my arm.
Hello, friends. This holiday season, it's important to remember all
the wonderful people in your life who have been good to you this year.
A kind word here, a thoughtful gesture there...they help make living in
these uncertain times more hopeful and joyous.
At the same time, it's also important to remember those bastards and
jerks who lied, cheated, swindled, insulted, extorted, threatened and
otherwise crapped all over you in 2009. And, as usual, America's coal
industry will be there to help you express your disappointment and
disgust, just as we have been for over a century.
When your company CEO cancelled all employee bonuses except for his own and the executive staff, we were there.
When your health insurance provider told you with a straight face
that the acne you had as a teenager was a pre-existing condition that
negated your cancer treatment, we were there.
When your neighbor backed over your tulips and then denied it, even
though the tire marks in your garden matched her Hummer's, we were
there, too.
The cop who gave you a ticket for going two miles-an-hour over the
speed limit while the driver in front of you was going much faster and texting? He got coal.
Your sister-in-law who constantly sends emails to you questioning the president's citizenship? You bet...she's gettin' coal.
The "friendly, at-your-service" loan officer who refused to rework
the terms of your mortgage because "rules are rules?" He'll be poopin'
coal for weeks.
The office brownnoser who stole your idea and used it to snag a promotion? A cubicle full of coal.
For everyone on your list who's made your life miserable, there's only one holiday gift you can rely on to adequately say, "Suck on this, asshole!" So call now and order some ugly, dirty, toxic coal.
One glance at that lump of bituminous blackness and they'll get your
message loud and clear. Available in lignite, flame coal, gas coal,
anthracite, coke and---for the really nasty peckerheads---coal fly ash
slurry. Order today and we'll even pay for the shipping.
Coal: when you're pissed-off enough to send the very worst.
This message brought to you by the Holiday Coal Consortium,
conveniently located next to that mountain over there with the top
blown off. Wishing you and yours a holiday filled with glad tidings of
mercury and joy.
Shamelessly stolen with no regard for Fair Use limitations from Bill in Portland Maine on Daily Kos. Yep, I'll be getting coal from Bill.
Glenn Beck is not only a success in his own right (or Right, as in Right Wing morons who believe the shit that comes out of his mouth). Beck also contributes to the success of people like Jon Stewart, who merely need to watch Beck's program for an abundance of material.
Honestly, the jokes are just there for the taking...
It's been a subject that a lot of Democrats don't want to address. It's a subject that get's one labeled a "concern troll" on progressive blogs if one is to write about it. But, when it comes right down to it, Barack Obama doesn't have a whole lot to show for this first year in office. And Saturday Night Live -- which can be wickedly accurate on some nights -- called him out for it:
Admittedly, this has been bugging me for a while. Most all who voted for Obama were hoping for change, as the campaign suggested. And they were hoping to get far, far away from the mess that George W. Bush and his Republican pals had made of the country. I wasn't expecting miracles. I wasn't even expecting a lot. But I was expecting something.
Make no mistake; I'm not bailing on President Obama. Yet. But I am growing impatient. Much of my impatience is focused on the Democratically controlled Congress... especially the Senate. While the GOP has truly been the party of "if Obama's for it, we're against it," at least they are more or less upfront about that fact. Democrats, on the other hand, seem to have a real dilemma on their hands: to vote with their constituents or their lobbyists. Add to that the fact that small-staters are the ones fucking things up for the most part, and you have the makings of a poor showing in the off-year elections and you offer comedy gold to the satirists and late night comedians.